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JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare

Given by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox at Study of DoE2000 Initiative on July 1997. Foils prepared 13 July 97

We proposed an evolutionary process of developing user-friendly visual component based authoring tools for HPCC by integrating the current C++ and coming Java based parallel object technologies via CORBA with the JavaBeans based visual component technologies.
Our proposed process starts from the existing parallel C++ object libraries and provides HP-ORBlet based interoperability with Java.
Next, the CORBA/Enterprise Beans based server/backend side component technologies are incorporated in the Java server and adapted to the HPCC needs within the emergent Java Frameworks for Computing.
Finally, the BeanBox based front-end visual tools provided by the industry are being linked via client-side ORBlets with the tier-2+3 components to offer visual authoring of HP-Components and HPCC applications.
Examples are given from DoE HPCC Technologies

Table of Contents for JavaBeans and Visual HPCC ComponentWare

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1 High Performance Industry Standard Component-based Visual Programming for DoE2000 Systems Concept Summary of HPComponentWare developed in the context of DoE2000 Initiative
2 HPComponentWare for DoE2000: Summary
3 High Performance Industry Standard Component-based Visual Programming for DoE2000 Systems
4 High Performance Industry Standard Component-based Visual Programming for DoE2000 Systems - II
5 HPCC ComponentWare: Essential Ideas
6 System and User Perspective
7 3 by 3 Diagram of Programming Environments versus System Complexity from PC to HPCC
8 Objects: from C++ to Java - I
9 Objects: from C++ to Java - II
10 Components: JavaBeans, ActiveX
11 Visual Components-based Design- and Runtime Environments
12 Approaches to Distributed Objects
13 Java ORB Approaches to Distributed Objects - II
14 Component Model for HPCC
15 Some Distributed Components
16 Visual Authoring with Distributed Components
17 Visual Authoring with Distributed Components - Examples
18 Object Web Architecture
19 Object Web 3-tier Examples
20 Architecture of Object Web
21 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC - Summary
22 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC - Features
23 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC: Simple Image Processing Example
24 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC: More Complicated Image Processing Example
25 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC: Collaboratory Example
28 HPCORBA Layer with SIO Analogy
29 Current and Future HPComponents
30 Visual Authoring with HPComponents

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