Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 July 97

Foil 19 Object Web 3-tier Examples

From JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare Study of DoE2000 Initiative -- July 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox

Clients will offer BeanBox based visual composition tools with the actual components residing or represented/wrapped in various Java servers (supporting HTTP, IIOP and streamlined media) of an enterprise
A mesh of Java Servers will form a middleware layer, serving applets, beans and orblets that establish IIOP connectivity with the CORBA bus, and managing distributed components as CORBA/Enterprise Beans.
A backend layer in tier 3 will by given by a suite of legacy systems, exporting their CORBA IDL interfaces to and accessible at the CORBA bus in the middleware.

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