Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 July 97

Foil 21 An early prototype: WebFlow at NPAC - Summary

From JavaBeans and Visual HPCC omponentWare Study of DoE2000 Initiative -- July 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey Fox

Based on DoE support, we developed at NPAC a 3-tier based visual dataflow authoring environment WebFlow that can be viewed as an early prototype of the emergent family of Object Web authoring systems.
WebFlow development started in '96, and hence in the pre-Beans, pre-ORBlets era but it contains nevertheless most aspects of the Object Web Architecture discussed above, emulated in terms of the JDK1.0 technologies and listed on next foil.
In the proposed system, we intend to use WebFlow prototype and augment it by the currently emerging technologies: JavaBeans for visual graph authoring, servlet based orblets for IOOP connectivity, and CORBA/Beans based (to be yet defined by OMG...) WebFlow module API.

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