Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 11 May 1997

Foil 27 Setting up a cookie

From Introduction to CGI Programming ECS400 Spring 97 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken *

Each cookie must have a key,value pair defining the cookie. In addition, there are optional fields defining the validity of cookie requests:
  • expires - gives the day and time in GMT up to which the browser should save the cookie.
  • path - sets the subset of the document space (URL's) on the server for which the cookie is valid.
  • domain - sets the domain for which the cookie is valid. Domains must have at least one ".", i.e. they can't be very general.
  • secure - setting this attribute requires that the cookie only be sent via a secure channel, Netscape's secure server, SSL.
Send one or more cookies using the Set-Cookie field in a header:

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