HTML version of Abstract of Basic Foils prepared 11 May 1997

Abstract of Introduction to HTML--ECS400 fall 97

From Introduction to HTML--ECS400 fall 97 ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken *

1 HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is defined using SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) and provides tags to identify document structure for later formatting and links to other documents.
2 This presentation will cover the most commonly used or important features of HTML; more details can be found in the references.
3 Topics will include
  • formatting text on a web page and creating links to other web pages
  • using images and imagemaps
  • creating forms
  • creating tables
  • creating frames
4 Features will be included from both HTML2.0 and HTML3.0, and the enhancements from the Netscape 1.1 and Netscape2.0 browsers.
5 References:
  • HTML Plus! by James E. Powell, Wadsworth Publishing.
  • - Various documents on html features, under the Assistance section of this Table of Contents from Netscape.

in Table To:

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