Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 11 May 1997

Foil 10 MIME - Base Content Types, continued

From Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 1997. by Nancy J. McCracken *

1 multipart
  • Specifies a MIME message composed of several parts with possible different Content-Type fields.
  • Parts are separated by a boundary string, specified in the multipart header entry
  • Subtypes: mixed (serial combination of media), parallel (for parallel presentation if possible), alternative (multiple representations of the same data) and digest (all parts are messages)
2 message
  • Subtypes: rfc822 (standard ARPA e-mail format), partial (a single chunk of a larger message, chopped into pieces for transmission and then reassembled), external-body (pointer to a remote data - similar to typerlink/URL but different representation)
3 application
  • Current subtypes: postscript, ODA
  • Placeholder for "anything else" - several interactive/custom/creative extensions expected here
  • Already registered: Andrew-inset,t ATOMICMAIL (Bellcore)

in Table To:

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