Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 8 Jan 98

Foil 65 Abstract of Distributed Object Technology for FMS and IMT

From General NPAC Foils-B starting June97(PowerPoint) General Research -- June-December 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

As distributed computing and information systems become more important, object technology seems the only way to manage and re-use components whether they be web pages, database records, Java Applets, Fortran Codes or .....
We note that the commercial world is developing CORBA COM and Javabeans which will merge in the object Web
  • HLA is an innovative object technology for distributed simulation which is likely to merge naturally with these broad trends
FMS and IMT applications are likely to make increasing use of commercial Web and Object Technology!
We need to develop high performance versions of commercial standards to support many DoD and other HPCC user needs

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