Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 feb 98

Foil 21 Parallel Computing v. Metacomputing

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) General Research -- January 98 -->. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 HPcc can be applied to either parallel or high-performance distributed computing (aka metacomputing)
2 In metacomputing, HPcc fills a void as few if any high level tools
3 In parallel computing, HPcc provides uniform and perhaps more attractive sustainable user environment
4 Can view a parallel computer either as a single tier 2 object
  • or as a collection of tier 2 objects -- one per node
5 Both are interesting
  • As a single object provides a CORBA like facility of invoking as a distributed object
  • As one object per node, can use HPcc to provide node level programming environment

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