Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 feb 98

Foil 38 Why is Java a Good Language II

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) General Research -- January 98 -->. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Java is "object-oriented" (unlike say Perl4 or Basic) which makes it is easier to build large software systems without them looking like your bedroom
2 Java is independent of platform -- runs on all computers
3 Java has "threads" built in allowing more than one thing to be done at the same time
4 Java supports "exceptions" (nice way of coping with errors which are often inevitable)
5 Java has an EXCELLENT security model -- it is by far the safest of any of the common languages
6 Java is simpler than C++
7 There are other important technical issues (pointers, garbage collection, good inheritance model)

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