Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 feb 98

Foil 69 Outline of HPcc High Performance commodity computing II

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) General Research -- January 98 -->. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 In particular, we describe JWORB -- a Java server built at NPAC supporting CORBA and Web protocols simultaneously. High performance can be obtained by combining concurrency at the middle server tier
2 with optimized parallel back end services. The resultant system combines the needed performance for large-scale HPCC applications with the rich functionality of commodity systems. Further the architecture with distinct interface, server and specialized service implementation layers, naturally allows advances in each area to be easily incorporated.
3 Adoption of community standards defined as CORBA facilities or Java frameworks for computing will accelerate this process. We suggest that this commodity approach can be applied to both metacomputing and to provide improved parallel programming environments. We describe exploitation issues within a CORBA context and illustrate how high performance can be obtained within a commodity architecture.
4 Examples are given from collaborative systems, support of multidisciplinary interactions, proposed visual HPCC ComponentWare programming environment, distributed simulation and the use of Java in high performance computing.

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