Given by Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University at DoD Training and Others on 1995-98. Foils prepared August 7 98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Second Presentation in Chuck Koelbel's Tutorial Sequence on HPF |
Short Overview of Fortran 90 for HPF users
Outside Index Summary of Material
1. Introduction to Data-Parallelism |
2. Fortran 90/95 Features *** This Presentation |
3. HPF Parallel Features |
4. HPF Data Mapping Features |
5. Parallel Programming in HPF |
6. HPF Version 2.0 |
Fortran 90 is a major extension of FORTRAN 77 including:
Adopted by ANSI and ISO in 1991 (hence ³F90²) |
Fortran 95 is the newest international standard for Fortran
It is a small delta from Fortran 90
Work is progressing on Fortran 2000
F2K will be another major upgrade (although not so great as F90)
ALLOCATABLE arrays use heap storage
Local arrays use stack storage
Assumed-shape arrays can pass array sizes
Allocating arrays in main program
Passing assumed-shape arrays
Whole arrays and array subsections can be used in many operations formerly limited to scalar values.
Subsections specified by triplet notation
Array constructors to produce array-valued constants (with implied DO) |
Computing a residual (version 1)
Computing a residual (version 2)
Elemental intrinsics
Transformational intrinsics
Array query intrinsics
Computing the error
Explicit and implicit interfaces
INTERFACE blocks provide explicit interfaces
MODULE provides type-safe libraries
Option 1: Use Fortran 77-style arguments
Option 2: Use assumed-shape arrays
Declare arrays to be the natural size and shape
Array operations are great for data parallelism
Complicated data structures are possible