Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
August 7 98
Foil 4 High Performance Fortran Background
DoD HPF Training -- 1. Introduction to HPF DoD Training and Others --
Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University
This is in no way a comprehensive history of HPF
There are just too many influences to list (like 700 people on the mailing list)
Some individuals who were particularly influential to HPF (and to me):
Alok Choudhary (Syracuse)
Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse)
Ken Kennedy (Rice)
Bob Knighten (Intel)
David Loveman (DEC)
Piyush Mehrotra (ICASE)
Andy Meltzer (Cray Research)
Rob Schreiber (RIACS)
Guy Steele (Thinking Machines)
Hans Zima (University of Vienna)
Mary Zosel (Livermore)
Defined by the High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF) as a portable language for data-parallel computation
Proposed at Supercomputing '91 and HPFF Kickoff Meeting
Meetings every 6 weeks during 1992 in Dallas
Final draft of HPF, version 1.0 in June 1993
New meetings in 1994 and 1995 to make corrections, define further requirements
Industry: CM Fortran, C*, MasPar Fortran, DEC
Academia: ADAPT, Fortran D, Kali, Vienna Fortran, CRPC
Government: Applications experience, $$$
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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