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Basic foilset DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities

Given by Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University at DoD Training and Others on 1995-98. Foils prepared August 7 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

Fourth in HPF Tutorial Sequence of Chuck Koelbel
Discussion of Data Mapping in HPF using Multigrid as an exampleobullet1:DISTRIBUTE ALIGN DYNAMIC REALIGN REDISTRIBUTE
Subroutine Interfaces

Table of Contents for full HTML of DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities

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1 "High Performance Fortran in Practice" tutorial 4. HPF Data Mapping Features
Presented at SIAM Parallel Processing San Francisco, Feb. 14, 1995
Presented at Supercomputer '95, Mannheim, Germany, June 27, 1995
Presented at Supercomputing '95, San Diego, December 4, 1995
Presented at University of Tennessee (short form), Knoxville, March 21, 1996
Presented at Metacenter Regional Alliances, Cornell, May 6, 1996
Presented at Summer of HPF Workshop, Vienna, July 1, 1996
Presented at Institute for Mathematics & its Applications, Minneapolis, September 11-13, 1996
Presented at Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, MS, October 30-November 1, 1996
Presented at Supercomputing '96, Pittsburgh, PA, November 17, 1996
Presented at NAVO, Stennis Space Center, MS, Feb 13, 1997
Presented at HPF Users Group (short version), Santa Fe, NM, February 23, 1997
Presented at ASC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, March 5, 1997
Parts presented at SC'97, November 17, 1997
Parts presented (slideshow mode) at SC'97, November 15-21, 1997
Presented at DOD HPC Users Group, June 1, 1998

2 Outline
3 Data Mapping
4 Data Mapping, cont.
5 A. distribute directive
The DISTRIBUTE Directive

6 Examples of DISTRIBUTE
7 More Examples of DISTRIBUTE
9 DISTRIBUTE and Communication
10 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern
11 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern (cont.)
12 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern (cont.)
13 Distribution Patterns and
Load Balance

14 Rules of Thumb for Communication
15 Typical Uses of DISTRIBUTE
16 Multigrid: A Complicated

17 Possible Data Structures for Multigrid
18 Possible DISTRIBUTE Patterns
for Multigrid

19 Possible DISTRIBUTE Patterns
for Multigrid (cont.)

20 Implementation of DISTRIBUTE
21 B. align directive
The ALIGN Directive

22 Examples of ALIGN
23 More Examples of ALIGN
24 Even More Examples of ALIGN
25 Son of Even More Examples of ALIGN
26 ALIGN and Communication
27 Why Use ALIGN?
28 Implementation of ALIGN
29 C. dynamic mapping
Dynamic Data Mapping

30 The DYNAMIC Directive
31 The REALIGN Directive
32 The REDISTRIBUTE Directive
33 Typical Use of Dynamic Data Mapping
34 More Typical Uses of Dynamic Data Mapping
35 D. Subroutine linkage
Data Mapping in Subroutine Calls

36 Mapping Options for Dummy Arguments
37 Subroutine Interfaces for Dummies
38 When Are Two Mappings the Same?
39 Specialized and Generalized Mappings
40 Explicit Interfaces for
Mapping Dummy Arguments

41 Rules of Thumb for Dummy Arguments
42 Other Mapping Features
43 Hints for Using Data Mapping

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared August 7 98

Foil 1 "High Performance Fortran in Practice" tutorial 4. HPF Data Mapping Features
Presented at SIAM Parallel Processing San Francisco, Feb. 14, 1995
Presented at Supercomputer '95, Mannheim, Germany, June 27, 1995
Presented at Supercomputing '95, San Diego, December 4, 1995
Presented at University of Tennessee (short form), Knoxville, March 21, 1996
Presented at Metacenter Regional Alliances, Cornell, May 6, 1996
Presented at Summer of HPF Workshop, Vienna, July 1, 1996
Presented at Institute for Mathematics & its Applications, Minneapolis, September 11-13, 1996
Presented at Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, MS, October 30-November 1, 1996
Presented at Supercomputing '96, Pittsburgh, PA, November 17, 1996
Presented at NAVO, Stennis Space Center, MS, Feb 13, 1997
Presented at HPF Users Group (short version), Santa Fe, NM, February 23, 1997
Presented at ASC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, March 5, 1997
Parts presented at SC'97, November 17, 1997
Parts presented (slideshow mode) at SC'97, November 15-21, 1997
Presented at DOD HPC Users Group, June 1, 1998

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
Full HTML Index

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Foil 2 Outline

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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1. Introduction to Data-Parallelism
2. Fortran 90/95 Features
3. HPF Parallel Features
4. HPF Data Mapping Features ** Contents of This Presentation
5. Parallel Programming in HPF
6. HPF Version 2.0

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Foil 3 Data Mapping

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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Data mapping complements data parallelism by placing data for parallel access
HPF uses a two-phase data mapping:
  • ALIGN: Creates a relationship between objects
  • DISTRIBUTE: Partitions an object between processors
  • Vendors may define further levels of mapping

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Foil 4 Data Mapping, cont.

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  • Avoiding Contention: Data updated in parallel should be on different processors
  • Locality of Reference: Data used together should be on the same processor
These goals are sometimes in conflict
  • To avoid all contention, put every data item on its own processor
  • To maximize locality, put all data on one processor
  • HPF gives you the tools to resolve these conflicts, but doesnıt solve them for you

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Foil 5 A. distribute directive
The DISTRIBUTE Directive

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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  • !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE array(dist-format-list ) [ONTO procs]
  • !HPF$ DISTRIBUTE(dist-format-list ) [ONTO procs]::array-list
  • Each dimension of array is divided according to the corresponding pattern in dist-format-list
  • ONTO (if present) names the processor array to distribute on
Options for dist-format
  • (Let N be the number of elements.)
  • (Let P be the number of processors.)
  • BLOCK : Contiguous pieces of size N/P on each processor
  • CYCLIC : Every Pth element to the same processor
  • CYCLIC(K) : Every Pth block of size K to the same processor
  • * : Dimension not distributed

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Foil 6 Examples of DISTRIBUTE

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REAL W(12,12),X(12,12),Y(12,12),Z(12,12)

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Foil 7 More Examples of DISTRIBUTE

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REAL a(12,12), b(12,12),
REAL c(12,12), d(12,12)
!HPF$ PROCESSORS p(6,1), q(2,3)
!HPF$ PROCESSORS r(3,2), s(1,6)

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Foil 8 Why Use DISTRIBUTE?

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Compilation is based on the data distribution
  • Computations will execute in parallel if
    • They are conceptually parallel (e.g. array operations)
    • The data is partitioned (e.g. by DISTRIBUTE)
Communication and synchronization are based on the data distribution
  • BLOCK reduces surface-to-volume ratio
  • CYCLIC (and CYCLIC(K)) improves load balance
  • * keeps things on one processor

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Foil 9 DISTRIBUTE and Communication

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Communication (data movement) happens when two data items on different processors must be brought together
  • Assume a(n), a(m) are on different processors
    • a(n) = a(m) ­ Communicate one element
    • x = a(n) + a(m) ­ Communicate one of {a(n),a(m)}
    • a(n) = a(n) ­ No communication
How communication is accomplished is a system problem
  • Depends on data mapping (DISTRIBUTE and ALIGN)
  • Depends on data access (subscripts of arrays)
  • Depends on implementation (whose compiler?)

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Foil 10 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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BLOCK retains locality for small shifts
  • But large (relative to block size) shifts are a problem
CYCLIC is a disaster for shift computations
  • But there are some interesting special cases

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Foil 11 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern (cont.)

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Broadcasts (copying one element) and reductions (combining all elements) favor neither BLOCK nor CYCLIC
Irregular communications (sorting, scatters and gathers) favor neither BLOCK nor CYCLIC
  • But some special cases are natural

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Foil 12 Choosing a Good Distribution Pattern (cont.)

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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Copying between distributions creates a lot of communication
  • This includes copying between different block sizes
Interpolation (as in multigrid) works like a shift operator

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Foil 13 Distribution Patterns and
Load Balance

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CYCLIC always balances number of elements per processor
  • This balances the computation load if all elements are the same
If P (# of processors) divides N (# of elements), BLOCK balances elements per processor
  • There are pathological cases if P < N < P2
If P*K divides N, CYCLIC(K) balances elements per processor

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Foil 14 Rules of Thumb for Communication

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BLOCK is good for local (e.g. nearest-neighbor) communication
  • Look for subscripts like a(i+1,j-1)
  • Look for intrinsics like CSHIFT
  • Warning: BLOCK depends on array size
CYCLIC has non-obvious locality
  • Look for subscripts like x(i+jmp), where jmp is a multiple of the number of processors
  • For example, jmp may be a power of 2 on a hypercube machine
  • CYCLIC always balances the memory load
CYCLIC(K) has some of the advantage of each
Strides are expensive on any distribution
  • But some special cases are worth recognizing
Broadcasts are equally expensive on any distribution
Communication between different distributions is very expensive

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Foil 15 Typical Uses of DISTRIBUTE

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Nearest-neighbor relaxation
  • BLOCK in dimension(s) with most parallelism
  • CYCLIC(K) may help with load balancing
Dense linear algebra
  • CYCLIC(K) in one or two dimensions
Indirection array data structures
  • ³No silver bullet²
  • BLOCK, with careful numbering of data elements?

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Foil 16 Multigrid: A Complicated

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Foil 17 Possible Data Structures for Multigrid

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Foil 18 Possible DISTRIBUTE Patterns
for Multigrid

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Single shared array for all levels
  • Smoothing: All CSHIFT operations
  • Prolongation and Restriction: All CSHIFT operations
  • Conclusion: Use some form of BLOCK
    • If start-up cost is high: 1-D BLOCK (in longest dimension)
    • Otherwise: 2-D BLOCK may be better
List of arrays, one per level
  • Smoothing: All CSHIFT operations
  • Prolongation and Restriction: copies between different-sized arrays
  • Conclusion: Use some form of BLOCK on each level
    • May want to change for coarser grid levels

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Foil 19 Possible DISTRIBUTE Patterns
for Multigrid (cont.)

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Foil 20 Implementation of DISTRIBUTE

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Allocate enough memory on each processor for its section of each distributed array
  • Distributed memory: 1 malloc per processor or shrink bounds
  • Shared memory: 1 shared area, with usage divided
Adjust indexing
  • Distributed memory: translate global indices ¤ local numbering
  • Shared memory: permute elements, keep each processor's together
Adjust loops (including implicit loops)
  • Pick a reference in the loop (e.g. A(J+1))
  • Each processor executes iterations so that reference is local (e.g. lb-1:ub-1)
Handle nonlocal data
  • Distributed memory: allocate buffer space, SEND/RECV needed data
  • Shared memory: access data directly, or allocate & make local copies

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared August 7 98

Foil 21 B. align directive
The ALIGN Directive

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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  • !HPF$ ALIGN array(source-list) WITH target(subscript-list )
  • !HPF$ ALIGN(source-list) WITH target(subscript-list) :: array-list
  • Creates a relationship between array and target so that for all values of the source-list variables, array(source-list) and target(subscript-list) are stored on the same processor
  • Only target can be distributed explicitly
Options for subscript-list
  • Linear function of one source-list variable
  • Triplet notation
    • Must match ³:² in source-list
    • Element-wise matching as in array assignment
  • * (Replication)

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Foil 22 Examples of ALIGN

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REAL U(6,6), V(6,6), W(6,6)
REAL X(6), Y(6), Z(3)

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Foil 23 More Examples of ALIGN

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REAL U(6,6), V(6,6), W(6,6)
REAL X(6), Y(6), Z(3)

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Foil 24 Even More Examples of ALIGN

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REAL U(6,6), V(6,6), W(6,6)
REAL X(6), Y(6), Z(3)

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Foil 25 Son of Even More Examples of ALIGN

From DoD HPF Training -- 4. HPF Data Mapping Facilities DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. *
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REAL U(6,6), V(6,6), W(6,6)
REAL X(6), Y(6), Z(3)

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Foil 26 ALIGN and Communication

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Communication (data movement) happens when two data items on different processors must be brought together
ALIGN relates array elements, ensuring they are mapped together
  • !HPF$ ALIGN a(i) WITH b(i+1)
    • No communication for a(10) = b(11)
    • No information about a(10) = b(10)
You can also think of this as modifying DISTRIBUTE
  • Substitute the ALIGN subscripts before doing the communication analysis

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Foil 27 Why Use ALIGN?

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³Copy² distributions
  • ­ DISTRIBUTE one array as the ³master² for data layout
  • ­ ALIGN other arrays to it
  • ­ Just modify one line to change all the distributions
    • ­ This will be common when porting codes!
Off-by-one problems
  • ­ Sometimes boundaries get in the way of DISTRIBUTE
Differing array sizes
  • ­ Will the compiler handle this better?
    • REAL a(16), b(8)
    • !HPF$ ALIGN b(i) WITH a(2*i)
  • ­ Or this?
    • REAL a(16), b(8)

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Foil 28 Implementation of ALIGN

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Substitute ALIGN expression into array reference subscripts
  • Except that the expressions get trickier
  • For non-stride-1 accesses and nontrivial alignments, much trickier

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Foil 29 C. dynamic mapping
Dynamic Data Mapping

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One data mapping is not always appropriate for an entire program
  • Different behavior in different phases
  • ³First sweep in the X dimension, then sweep in the Y dimension²
  • ALLOCATABLE arrays can change size
Therefore, HPF 1.x provides executable DISTRIBUTE and ALIGN
  • DYNAMIC attribute (compare to ALLOCATABLE attribute)

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Foil 30 The DYNAMIC Directive

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  • !HPF$ DYNAMIC entity-decl-list
  • !HPF$ DYNAMIC :: entity-decl-list
  • Any array in entity-decl-list can be used in a REALIGN or REDISTRIBUTE directive
  • DYNAMIC appears only in the declarations section
  • DYNAMIC arrays can also appear in ALIGN or DISTRIBUTE to get initial distributions)

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Foil 31 The REALIGN Directive

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  • !HPF$ REALIGN array(source-list) WITH target(subscript-list)
  • !HPF$ REALIGN (source-list) WITH target(subscript-list) :: array-list
  • Creates a dynamic relationship between array and target so that for all values of the source-list variables, array(source-list) and target(subscript-list) are stored on the same processor
  • Array must have the DYNAMIC attribute
  • Ends any previous ALIGN or DISTRIBUTE for array
  • Communicates data already in array to its new home
  • Lasts until another REALIGN or REDISTRIBUTE for the same array
    • I.e., Not static scope

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Foil 32 The REDISTRIBUTE Directive

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  • !HPF$ REDISTRIBUTE array(dist-format-list) [ONTO processors]
  • !HPF$ REDISTRIBUTE (dist-format-list) [ONTO processors] :: array-list
  • Dynamically divides each dimension of array according to the corresponding pattern in dist-format-list
  • Also changes the mappings of anything already aligned to array
    • I.e., Array was previously the target in an ALIGN or REALIGN
  • Array must have the DYNAMIC attribute
  • Communicates data to its new processor home
  • Lasts until another REALIGN or REDISTRIBUTE for the same array

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Foil 33 Typical Use of Dynamic Data Mapping

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Picking mappings based on input data
  • !HPF$ ALIGN (:,:) WITH x(:,:) :: y, z
  • IF (n1>n2) THEN
  • ELSE
  • END IF
  • ! Note: Compiler doesn't know precise data
  • ! mappings of any array at this point

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Foil 34 More Typical Uses of Dynamic Data Mapping

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FFT, ADI, and other directional sweeps
  • (RE)DISTRIBUTE BLOCK in parallel dimension for first sweep
  • Perform sweep
  • REDISTRIBUTE BLOCK in the next dimension
  • Perform sweep,
Cyclic reduction and other recursive doubling methods
  • (Only if number of processors P is a power of 2)
  • Reduce by step 1, then 2, to P/2
  • Reduce by P, 2*P,

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Foil 35 D. Subroutine linkage
Data Mapping in Subroutine Calls

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Some subroutines require data to use a specific mapping, so actual arguments must be remapped
Some subroutines can use any mapping, so actual arguments should be passed in place
Sometimes the programmer knows the incoming data mappings, sometimes not
HPF has options to say all of this!
Any remappings are undone on procedure return

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Foil 36 Mapping Options for Dummy Arguments

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Three classes of mappings for dummy arguments
  • Prescriptive: ³Wherever the actual is, remap it here²
    • Syntax: DISTRIBUTE A (BLOCK)
    • Note: Remapping is undone on return
  • Descriptive: ³The actual should be here²
    • Syntax: DISTRIBUTE A *(BLOCK)
    • Note: If actual is not there, a warning is suggested but not required
  • Transcriptive: ³Leave the actual where it is²
    • Syntax: DISTRIBUTE A *
    • Or: INHERIT A
Sorting some of these cases out requires doing special things in the caller
  • When this is needed, an explicit interface is required
  • Explicit interfaces are a good idea in other cases too

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Foil 37 Subroutine Interfaces for Dummies

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Always use explicit interfaces
Require good errors and warnings from your compiler

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Foil 38 When Are Two Mappings the Same?

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There are several cases where HPF requires mappings to be ³compatible²
  • Parameter passing with implicit interfaces
  • Parameter passing with explicit descriptive mappings (sort of)
  • Pointer association
³Compatible² is defined by a partial ordering
  • A mapping is ³more specialized² (or ³more generalized²) than another if it has more information (or less information)
  • Some mappings canıt be compared
You can avoid learning the detailed rules!
  • Always ALIGN things that ought to have the same mapping
  • Always use explicit interfaces

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Foil 39 Specialized and Generalized Mappings

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There is a hierarchy of directives, based on how precisely they describe a mapping

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Foil 40 Explicit Interfaces for
Mapping Dummy Arguments

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An explicit interface is required if
  • Any dummy has a transcriptive mapping
    • Reason: The caller has to send a descriptor with the arrayıs mapping
  • Any dummy has the INHERIT attribute
    • Reason: The caller has to send a descriptor with the arrayıs mapping
  • For some argument, the actualıs mapping is not a specialization of the dummyıs
    • Translation: If the argument has to be remapped, you need an explicit interface
    • Reason: Somebody has to move the data around

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Foil 41 Rules of Thumb for Dummy Arguments

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  • Prescriptive mapping (³remap actual²) if a specific mapping is needed
  • Transcriptive mapping (³take anything²) for embarrassingly parallel
  • Descriptive mapping (³this is coming²) for internal routines, probably after checking distribution of (transcriptively mapped) user arguments
Non-reusable modules
  • Descriptive mapping probably fastest
  • Prescriptive mapping probably safer

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Foil 42 Other Mapping Features

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  • Define size and shape of processors array
  • Only guaranteed when size of processors array equals NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS()
  • !HPF$ PROCESSORS name(shape-spec-list)
  • Defines an index domain for alignment and distribution, but no memory
  • !HPF$ TEMPLATE name(shape-spec-list)
  • ALIGN and DISTRIBUTE take effect (and have expressions evaluated) when the array is allocated
  • If used as the target of REALIGN, then the array must be allocated when REALIGN takes effect.

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Foil 43 Hints for Using Data Mapping

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ALIGN data based on physical domains
  • Arrays with the same domain should be aligned
  • Arrays not physically connected should not
DISTRIBUTE based on parallelism
  • Optimal performance comes from parallel operations on a distributed axis
Pick distribution pattern based on communications
  • BLOCK generally good for local stencils and fully-filled arrays
  • CYCLIC and CYCLIC(K) generally good for load balancing and triangular loops
  • Conflicts require compromises, remapping, complex compilers, or new algorithms
REALIGN with care; REDISTRIBUTE with extreme care
  • Computation performed must outweigh communication for the remapping

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