Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 7 98

Foil 41 Example of F77_LOCAL
(From NAS FT Benchmark) III

From DoD HPF Training -- 3. Parallel Constructs in HPF DoD Training and Others -- 1995-98. by Chuck Koelbel -- Rice University

  • call blacs_get (0, 0, val)
  • ictxt = val(1)
! Calculate the USERMAP for the BLACS grid, and set up the grid. The
! processor ID assignment is done by the same algorithm used by PGHPF,
! and may be different for other HPF implementions.
  • nprow = size (usermap, 1)
  • npcol = size (usermap, 2)
  • do j = 1, npcol
    • do i = 1, nprow
    • usermap(i,j) = (j - 1) * nprow + (i - 1)
    • end do
  • end do
  • call blacs_gridmap (ictxt, usermap, nprow, nprow, npcol)
  • ip = 0
  • call pdcft3 (x, y, n1, n2, n3, isign, scale, ictxt, ip)
  • call blacs_gridexit (ictxt)

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