Third in Chuck Koelbel's HPF Presentations |
FORALL Pure Independent |
Library -- Intrinsics Extrinsics LOCAL |
001 "High Performance Fortran in Practice" tutorial -- 3. HPF Parallel Features Presented at SIAM Parallel Processing San Francisco, Feb. 14, 1995 Presented at Supercomputer '95, Mannheim, Germany, June 27, 1995 Presented at Supercomputing '95, San Diego, December 4, 1995 Presented at University of Tennessee (short form), Knoxville, March 21, 1996 Presented at Metacenter Regional Affiliates, Cornell, May 6, 1996 Presented at Summer of HPF Workshop, Vienna, July 1, 1996 Presented at Institute for Mathematics & its Applications, Minneapolis, September 11-13, 1996 Presented at Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiments Station, Vicksburg, MS, October 30-November 1, 1996 Presented at Supercomputing '96, Pittsburgh, PA, November 17, 1996 Presented at NAVO, Stennis Space Center, MS, Feb 13, 1997 Presented at HPF Users Group (short version), Santa Fe, NM, February 23, 1997 Presented at ASC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH, March 5, 1997 Parts presented at SC'97, November 17, 1997 Parts presented (slideshow mode) at SC '97, November 15-21, 1997 Presented at DOD HPC Users Group, June 1, 1998 002 Outline 003 Data-Parallel Statements 004 B. FORALL statements, etc. The Single-Statement FORALL 005 The Multi-Statement FORALL 006 An Example of FORALL 007 An Example of DO 008 An Example of Nested FORALLs 009 Why Use FORALL? 010 Determinate Behavior of FORALL 011 Implementation of FORALL 012 Implementation of FORALL (cont.) 013 D. PURE functions PURE Functions 014 PURE Functions in Pictures 015 PURE Functions and FORALL 016 Why Use PURE Functions? 017 PURE for Mandelbrot Sets 018 Avoiding the PURE Function in Mandelbrot 019 A. INDEPENDENT directives The INDEPENDENT Directive 020 An Example of INDEPENDENT 021 Another Example of FORALL With INDEPENDENT 022 An Example of Nested INDEPENDENT FORALLs 023 The INDEPENDENT Directive: More Details 024 Examples of Correct INDEPENDENT Assertions 025 Examples of Incorrect INDEPENDENT Assertions 026 Example of Data-Dependent INDEPENDENT Assertion 027 Why Use INDEPENDENT? 028 Implementation of INDEPENDENT 029 In Summary: DO, FORALL and INDEPENDENT 030 Hints for Using Data Parallel Statements 031 C. Library, intrinsic, and EXTRINSIC functions The HPF Library and New Intrinsics 032 Examples of HPF Library 033 Why Use the HPF Library? 034 Typical Uses of HPF Library 035 Implementation of the HPF 1 Library 036 EXTRINSIC Procedures 037 EXTRINSIC(HPF_LOCAL) 038 Example of HPF_LOCAL EXTRINSIC(F77_LOCAL) 039 Example of F77_LOCAL (From NAS FT Benchmark) 040 Example of F77_LOCAL (From NAS FT Benchmark) II 041 Example of F77_LOCAL (From NAS FT Benchmark) III 042 Why Use EXTRINSIC Procedures?