Basic HTML version of Foils prepared January 8 98

Foil 8 Resources Needed by ICWU

From Plans for ICWU International Collaborative University China Trip Dec 27 97 - Jan 6 98 -- January 5 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Xiaoming Li

Central (albeit distributed) Compute Servers will be supplied by selected participating institutions e.g. for homework and examples on CGI, Databases etc.
Appropriate networking is essential.
  • Eventually one expects to need the bandwidth and quality of service needed to support multimedia delivery including audio-video conferencing (roughly a minimum of 100 kilobits per second)
  • Initially minimum requirement is a internet connection allowing synchronous chat rooms, interactive access to compute servers and batch updates of replicated web servers
  • Some of initial course delivery systems will use and need higher quality links

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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