Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 26 March 98

Foil 15 JWORB - Integrates Distributed Object Models

From Collaboration and Scientific Visualization for High Performance Data Bases ISDA Meeting Doubletree Hotel Pasadena -- March 25-27. by Geoffrey Fox

1 Integrates protocols for inter-tier communication
  • Client-Middleware protocol integration via protocol detection and dedicated protocol handlers
2 CORBA - JWORB is an OMG compliant ORB written in Java and acting as middleware in the 3-(or more)-tier CORBA applications
3 HTTP - JWORB is a Web Server using CORBA services where possible
4 COM - we are planning to implement COM/CORBA bridge as specified by OMG to enable interoperability between CORBA and DCOM objects
5 RMI - JWORB is written in Java so the interface to the 100% Pure Java world is naturally available via RMI -- new RMI uses IIOP
6 W3C - we intent to implement new Web Object Model (XML+RDF+DOM) using CORBA services in JWORB

in Table To:

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