Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 16 May 98

Foil 5 Why use the Web as basis for HPCC/Scientific Computing Software?

From Introduction to Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing CEWES Java Tutorial -- Spring Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

1 HPCC is a small field and Scientific Computing a modest size field with limited resources for very hard problems and must leverage as much software as possible
2 Web Software provides an excellent pervasive user interface with Java Applets and WebWindows
3 Web Software provides a potentially excellent high performance object oriented language (Java) for scientific and engineering computation
4 All(!?) we need to do is to add high performance and special features of scientific computing (math libraries) to the Web!
5 Technology for generating parallelism (user decomposition, parallelizing compilers) not provided by web and must come from HPCC

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