Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 16 May 98

Foil 41 JDK 1.1 -- Java grows!

From Introduction to Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing CEWES Java Tutorial -- Spring Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

1 A substantial new version of Java released March 97 by JavaSoft.
2 This release includes many developments both by Sun and by partner companies such as IBM. There are minimal changes to the language - primarily development of new classes to support enterprise computing.
3 We are currently (Sept 97) ending a transitory situation where a few preleased features of JDK 1.1 such as the Java DataBase Connection (JDBC) are supported by the primary browser Netscape 3.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0, but most JDK 1.1 features are not yet supported in commonly available browsers, except for HotJava.
  • Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 do support JDK 1.1
  • JavaBean visual components are particularly useful for computing

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