Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 16 May 98

Foil 12 Java Applications in a Nutshell

From Introduction to Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing CEWES Java Tutorial -- Spring Semester 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

All Java programs are written into a file with a ".java" extension.
Applications are .java files with a main class which is excuted first.
How to compile and run a Java application:
  • Run the compiler on a .java file:
  • javac
  • producing a file "MyProgram.class" of JavaVM bytecodes
  • Run the interpreter on a .class file:
  • java MyProgram
  • which executes the bytecodes
The resources javac and java are part of JDK and are not in Netscape and so are not necessarily available on the same machine as your web server.

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