Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 9 Sept 1997

Foil 14 Java Language -- Control Flow V -- continue and switch

From Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing Part II: Java Language and Object-Oriented Concepts Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science CPS615 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

1 loopstart: // label of following for loop
2 for( int j=0; j <10; j++) {
3 switch(j) {
4 case 3:
5 break;
6 default:
7 if( studentgrade[j] == 2.5)
  • continue loopstart; /* go to next iteration of loop */
8 /* do some stuff */
9 break;
10 } // End Switch Block
11 /* continue loopstart goes to here for next iteration of loopstart loop */
12 } // End loopstart for loop

in Table To:

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