Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 9 Sept 1997

Foil 46 Java 1.0 System Packages

From Java to be used in (Scientific) Computing Part II: Java Language and Object-Oriented Concepts Basic Simulation Track for Computational Science CPS615 -- Fall Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

1 java.lang Contains essential Java classes and is by default imported into every Java file and so import java.lang.* is unnecessary. Thread, Math, Object and Type Wrappers are here
2 contains classes to do I/O. This is not necessary (or even allowed!) for applets which can't do much I/O in Netscape!
3 java.util contains various utility classes that didn't make it to java.lang. Date is here as are hashtables
4 contains classes to do network applications. This will be important for any distributed applications
5 java.applet has the classes needed to support applets
6 java.awt has the classes to support windowing -- The Abstract Windows Toolkit
7 java.awt.image has image processing classes
8 java.awt.peer is a secret set of classes with platform dependent details

in Table To:

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