Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 12 April 98

Foil 18 Proposed Java Computing Services Framework

From Master Foilset for Java Grande Workshop and Forum Java 98/JavaOne Palo Alto/San Francisco -- February 28 98 March 24 98. by Geoffrey Fox

Enables development of Web Interfaces to run a given job on any computer compliant with this framework just as JDBC gives a universal interface to any relational database
  • I.e. enables seamless computing
The Computing Services Framework allows vendors to compete on either User Front End (GUI) or back end services with the JavaCS framework providing universal linkage
The framework is implemented at the backend as a set of drivers which map generic Java Interfaces to particular software (e.g. a compiler) on particular machines.
Requires agreement by "suitable interested parties" on
  • what are the services
  • what are the interfaces for a given service
  • As with JDBC and PL/SQL can lead to difficult choices!

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