Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 20 Sept 97

Foil 24 Comparison of Java and JavaScript -- II

From Java Tutorial - Summer 1997 Part 1:Introduction to Java Language CEWES Tutorial, Classes SU/Jackson State -- July 22-25 and Fall 97. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

JavaScript: Integrated with HTML as embedded ascii but of course HTML looks rather irrelevant at times!
Java: Applets distinct from HTML but invoked from HTML Pages
JavaScript: do not declare variables' datatypes -- Loose typing
Java: MUST declare variables' datatypes -- Strong typing
JavaScript -- Dynamic Binding -- object references computed at runtime
Java -- Static Binding -- object references must exist at compile time
Java and JavaScript are secure and cannot write to disk
JavaScript has most user interface features of Java (such as buttons and frames), except not mouse interactions like "dragging".

© on Sun Oct 12 1997