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Java Tutorial - Fall 1997 Part 4: Multithreading, useful Java classes, I/O, Networking, and the future

Given by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox, Tom Scavo at CEWES Tutorial, CPS606, JSU Class CSC499 on July 22-25 1997, Fall 97. Foils prepared 17 Nov 97

In Part 1 2 and 3 of the Tutorial We Covered:
  • Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
  • Comparison of Java and Javascript
  • Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
  • Java Programming Language
  • Introduction to Applications,Applets and their Invocation from HTML
  • "Hello World" and Basic Graphics Applets
  • Object Oriented and Class Structure
  • Methods, Constructors etc.
  • Interfaces
  • Exceptions
  • Introduction to Threads
  • Graphics in more detail
  • Downloading and Drawing Images
  • Abstract Windowing Toolkit
  • Keyboard and Mouse Events
  • Components, Actions, Layouts
In This Part of the Java Tutorial We Cover:
Threads in Detail
Useful Java Classes
  • Object Math Date String Vector Hashtable
Networking and I/O
Futures and HPCC Implications

Table of Contents for Java Tutorial - Fall 1997 Part 4: Multithreading, useful Java classes, I/O, Networking, and the future

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(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image Critical
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
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1 Java Tutorial - Fall 1997
Part 4: Multithreading, Useful Java Classes, I/O, Networking, and the Future
2 Threads are part of the Java Language!
(a more serious discussion than in part III of tutorial)
3 Initial Remarks on Threads
API to show relationship between Thread class and Runnable interface for Foil 4 4 How to Use Threads
Thread Examples for Foil 5 5 Subclassing the Thread Class
6 Thread Execution and Concurrency
7 The Life of a Thread
Thread Methods for Foil 8 8 Moving out of a Blocked State
9 Thread Priorities and Groups
10 Synchronization
11 Synchronization is Implemented by Monitors
12 Threads and Synchronization I
13 Threads and Synchronization II
Thread Synchronization Examples for Foil 14 14 Threads and Synchronization - Example
15 Useful Java Classes
16 The Overarching Object Class
17 Determining and Testing Class of Object
18 java.lang.Object Wrappers
19 The java.lang.Math class
20 The Date class
21 The String Class
22 More on Strings and the StringBuffer Class
A pizza order example.  The bill display uses stringbuffer to line up and display dollar amounts. 23 ReverseString Class
24 The Vector Class
25 Methods for Vectors
26 The Hashtable class
27 I/O and the powerful Stream Zoo
Java I/O stream constructors for Foil 28 28 I/O Streams
Standard Input/Output for Foil 29 29 Standard Input/Output
OutputStream classes for Foil 30 30 The Output Stream Zoo
FilterOutputStream classes for Foil 31 31 FilterOutputStreams
InputStream classes for Foil 32 32 The Input Stream Zoo
FilterInputStream subclasses for Foil 33 33 FilterInputStreams
SequenceInputStream class for Foil 34 34 SequenceInputStream
Random Access Files for Foil 35 35 Random Access
Reader/Writer classes for Foil 36 36 Character Streams
BufferedReader class for Foil 37 37 Buffered Text I/O
Buffered Reader/Writer classes for Foil 38 38 A Monster Chain
File class for Foil 39 39 The File Class
40 Object Serialization
41 Networking and Web Access
42 Networking and Web Access in Java
43 Security Concerns for Applets (Untrusted Code)
44 Table for Java file and network access
45 URL objects in Java
Reading a file by URL for Foil 46 46 Read a File on the Server I
ReadConnection class for Foil 47 47 Read a File on the Server II
Socket examples for Foil 48 48 Socket from the Client Side
Socket Server examples for Foil 49 49 Sockets from the Server Side
Additional network examples for Foil 50 50 Connecting to a CGI Script
51 Performance
and dreaming about the Future
52 Use of Native Classes to Speed Up Execution
53 Comments on Native C Methods
54 HPCC and Java -- High Performance HPjava -- I
55 HPCC and Java -- HPjava -- II

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