Basic HTML version of Foils prepared

Foil 7 CSC499 at Jackson State

From Overview of Tango applications Tango Tutorial San Diego MRA -- June 26 27 98 Datemod;June 18 98. by TangoInteractive Team

1 Taught using Tango over Internet (now DREN via CEWES) every Tuesday and Thursday from Syracuse
  • Course material based on Syracuse Senior Undergraduate class ECS406
2 Jackson State major HBC University with many computer science graduates
3 Do not compete with base courses but offer addon courses with "leading edge" material (Web Technology) which give JSU graduates skills that are important in their career
  • Job fair employers liked Java Programming!
4 Needs guaranteed 30 (audio) to 100 (video) kilobits per second bandwidth assuming course material mirrored at JSU
  • Can be offered using CD-ROM's to homes with audio only link and 28.8 kbaud modem
5 This illustrates that synchronous delivery is a "guided tour" of large asynchronous resource -- 250 megabytes in total

in Table To:

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