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Foil 12 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy II

From Overview of Tango System and Application to Distance Education Tango Presentation San Diego MRA -- June 26 98 Datemod;June 26 98. by TangoInteractive Team

1 Event broadcasting (MIMD model of collaboration): each workstation runs its own copy of application.
  • (A) Virtual instance: all events shared (collaboration transparency)
  • (B) Independent data views: some events shared
  • Examples: Habanero (NCSA - B), Java Collab. Toolset (Old Dominion - A ), ProMondia (Univ. of Nurenberg - B), DISCIPLE (Rutgers University - A/B), TANGO (NPAC - A/B)
  • Disadvantages: new category of SW, difficult to implement and issues not yet understood
  • Advantages: infinitely flexible and adaptable, generate little network traffic, perfectly fit Web/Java paradigm, can implement security, can support asynchronous collaboration....

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