Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 February 98

Foil 22 Cabling - Twisted Pair (1)

From Introduction to Networking Technologies CPS640 MultiMedia and Networking -- Spring Semester 1998. by Roman Markowski

1 UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair
2 STP - Shielded Twisted Pair
3 EIA-568 (Electronic Industries Association) - standard which specifies the use of voice-grade UTP as well as STP for in-building data applications (year 1991); The twisting prevents interference problem; wiring up to 16Mbps
4 EIA-568A - new standard which covers 150-ohm STP and 100-ohm UTP (year 1995).
  • category 1: telephone cable, not suited for data
  • category 2: data transmission up tp 4 MBPS
  • category 3: transmission characteristics are specified up to16 MHz; data rates up to 16Mbps; four twists per foot;max recommended distance: 90m
  • category 4: transmission characteristics are specified up to 20 MHz; not popular
  • category 5: transmission characteristics are specified up to 100 MHz; data rates up to 100Mbps; four twists per inch;better performance; more expensive;max recommended distance: 90m
  • STP: transmissions at speed 300 MBPS; max distance 90m

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