Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 February 98

Foil 94 Switched 56 K

From Introduction to Networking Technologies CPS640 MultiMedia and Networking -- Spring Semester 1998. by Roman Markowski

1 Digital communication technology for transporting data over
  • switched synchronous lines at 56 Kbps, or
  • switched asynchronous lines at 57.6 Kbps
2 Compression can provide four times the bandwidth
3 ISDN offers 2x 64 Kbps channels, switched 56 provides only one 56 Kbps channel.
4 Switched 56 is digital and do not require modem. Instead, CSU/DSU is required to attach bridge/router to the line installed by a phone company. At each end CSU/DSU is required. A typical connection between CSU/DSU and router/bridge is V.35 serial cable.
5 The connection operates like dial-out link

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