Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 February 98

Foil 129 NFS - Network File System

From Introduction to Networking Technologies CPS640 MultiMedia and Networking -- Spring Semester 1998. by Roman Markowski

1 originally created by Sun Microsystems, Inc as a file sharing system for TCP/IP networks.
2 Sun's concept : The network is the computer = The computer is the network
3 NFS is a distributed, client-server file system: the client requests the information and the NFS server distribute the information
4 it is widely implemented, contains security features
5 NFS allows users to access files and printers on other systems as if they were local files
6 server: broadcasts (exports) the directories that it is sharing
7 client: mounts (automounts) the directories
8 specifications:
  • NFSv2 RFC 1094
  • NFSv3 RFC 1813

in Table To:

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