LAN Emulation: IP-Over-ATM (IPOA LANE 1.0) |
LANE over ATM is the natural path for migrating ethernet and token ring LANs to fault tolerant ATM network. LANE ver1.0 emulates MAC layer ; standard 1996 |
Applications can run unmodified over an ATM network. LANE works by allowing the OS and all protocols at and above Layer 2 to seamlessly operate with ATM |
components: LES, LEC, LECS, BUS |
version 1.0 permits only one LES / BUS on an emulated network creating single point of failure |
LECS - LAN Emulation Configuration Server contains the configuration of the emulated networks |
LES - LAN Emulation Server mapping between MAC addresses and ATM addresses |
BUS - Broadcast and Unknown Server handles broadcast and multicast as well as unknown addresses |
LEC - LAN Emulation Client runs on every workstation |
Emulated LAN operates in client/server environment applying Virtual LAN concept |