Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 February 98

Foil 80 56 Kbps modem technology (1)

From Introduction to Networking Technologies CPS640 MultiMedia and Networking -- Spring Semester 1998. by Roman Markowski

asymmetrical : 56 Kbps (downstream); 33.6 Kbps (upstream)
currently there is no standard covering 56 Kbps modems. It will take a year or more for the ITU to ratify a standard. At the moment there are 2 proprietary and incompatible specifications: X2, developed by US Robotics, and K56flex by Lucent and Rockwell Semiconductors Systems.
about 70% of the 56K modems use 56Kflex technology. Recently 28 data communications and computer vendors created Open 56K Forum which intends to push 56Kflex technology as new standard.
Cost: $129-$500

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