Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 February 98

Foil 127 NetBEUI

From Introduction to Networking Technologies CPS640 MultiMedia and Networking -- Spring Semester 1998. by Roman Markowski

NetBIOS - Network Basic Input Output System
NetBEUI - NetBIOS Extended User Interface
Protocols designed by IBM and Microsoft to support network communication in a small-sized LAN consisted of personal computers (Microsoft Network)
Implementation: OS/2, Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT, Microsoft LAN Manager, IBM LAN Server
In Windows NT network one can choose the protocol used for networking: NetBEUI, TCP/IP or IPX
NetBIOS is a generalized program-to-program communication facility that enables peer-to-peer and client/server communication between PCs operating in a LAN environment.
NetBIOS supports 3 services:
  • name service (no centralized name servers are required)
  • session service (connection-oriented)
  • datagram service (connection-less; used to deliver broadcast)
NetBIOS names can be resolved to TCP/IP addresses in 2 ways:
  • LMHOSTS file
  • WINS - Windows Internet Name Service

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