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Tutorial on PERL

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox,Nancy McCracken,Tom Scavo at Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 on Sept 20 97. Foils prepared Sept 20 97

This simple discussion of PERL describes the essential features needed for general-purpose programming
It does not describe the special concerns needed for systems programming but is aimed at what you need for writing CGI programs
We reference in detail the Llama Book: Learning PERL (2nd ed) by Randal L. Schwartz and Tom Christiansen published by O'Reilly and Associates. ISBN: 1-56592-284-0
More detailed is the Camel book: Programming PERL (2nd ed) by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, and Randal L. Schwartz, also by O'Reilly. ISBN: 1-56592-149-6
  • This is one of few authoritative Perl5 discussions
Another useful book which lies between the Llama and Camel books in completeness is: PERL by Example by Ellie Quigley, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-122839-0

Table of Contents for Tutorial on PERL

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1 Overview of Perl -- Technologies for the Information Age
2 Abstract of PERL Overview
3 General Remarks on PERL I
4 General Remarks on PERL II
5 General Remarks on PERL III
6 Scalar Data I -- Numbers
7 Scalar Data II --
Single-Quoted Strings
8 Scalar Data III --
Double-Quoted Strings
9 Scalar Variables and Comments
10 Operators for Numbers and Strings I
11 Operators for Numbers and Strings II -- Comparison
12 Operators for Numbers and Strings III --
Binary Assignment
13 Interpolation of Scalars into Strings
14 Some Simple Scalar I/O Capabilities
15 Logical Operators
16 Arithmetic Operators
17 Bitwise Logical Operators
18 Arrays and Lists of Scalars I
19 Arrays and Lists of Scalars II -- Construction
20 Arrays and Lists of Scalars III -- Construction
21 Arrays and Lists of Scalars IV -- Element Access
22 Arrays and Lists of Scalars V -- Undefined
23 Arrays and Lists of Scalars VI -- Printing
24 Arrays and Lists of Scalars VII --
Operators on Arrays
25 Control Structures -- if,else,unless,elsif
26 Control Structures --
What is true and false?
27 Control Structures --
while,until Statements
28 Control Structures -- for Statement
29 Control Structures -- foreach Statement
30 Hashes -- Definition
31 Hashes -- Examples
32 Hashes -- Storage and Access
33 Hashes -- Operators: keys, values, each
34 Basic Input
35 Basic Output
36 Regular Expressions -- Analogy with grep
37 Regular Expressions -- Patterns
38 Backslash Escapes
39 Predefined Character Classes in Regular Expressions
40 Repetition in Regular Expressions
41 Anchoring and Alternation in
Regular Expressions
42 Parentheses in Regular Expressions
43 Some Regex Examples
44 Matched Variables in
Regular Expressions
45 More Regex Examples
46 The Matching Operator and
Regular Expressions
47 The Substitution Operator and
Regular Expressions
48 More Substitution Examples
49 Split and Join Operators
50 The index and rindex Functions
51 The substr Function
52 Functions and Subroutines I
53 Functions and Subroutines II
54 Functions and Subroutines III --
local and my
55 Functions and Subroutines IV -- An Example
56 Binary Equality Operators
57 Sorting with Various Criteria
58 The Translation Operator tr
59 Additional Control Flow Constructs I
60 Additional Control Flow Constructs II
-- Statement Labels
61 Additional Control Flow Constructs III -- Accelerated Tests
62 Additional Control Flow Constructs IV
63 FileHandles
64 Using FileHandles and Testing Files
65 A Perl "Here" Document
66 Some Special Capabilities in Formatted Writes
67 Globbing
68 Directory Access
69 Execution of UNIX Commands -- system
70 Processing the Environment %ENV
71 Execution of UNIX Commands -- backquotes
72 Execution of UNIX Commands --
Filehandle Mechanism
73 Execution of UNIX Commands --
fork and exec
74 Signals, Interrupt Handlers, kill
75 The eval Function and Indexed Arrays of Hashes
76 What is
77 Import Tags
78 Syntax
79 Using - Form Processing
80 Using - Form Generation

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