Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 20 97

Foil 61 Additional Control Flow Constructs III -- Accelerated Tests

From Tutorial on PERL Computational Science for Information Age Course CPS616 -- Sept 20 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox,Nancy McCracken,Tom Scavo

1 There are ways of performing simple tests that require fewer curly braces and other punctuation
2 expr1 if testexp; # is equivalent to
3 if (testexp) {
  • expr1;
4 }
5 last, redo, and next can be followed by such tests e.g.
6 last DOREALWORK if userendofinitializationhit ;
7 There are similar abbreviations for unless,while,until
8 dothisexpression unless conditionholds;
9 dostandardstuff while normalconditionholds;
10 dostandardstuff until specialconditionseen;

in Table To:

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