1 | Funded by the National Library of Medicine implemented at the University of Colorado HSC. |
2 | 39 - year old white male who donated his body to science after being convicted of murder and sentenced to death. |
3 | Magnetic Resonance Images(MRI- 256x256x12) - head scanned axially, the other sections scanned coronally. |
4 | Computer Tomography (CT - 512x512x12) - soft tissue and bones. |
5 | Anatomical color photographs - 1878 transverse slices, each 1 mm wide; each slice of original data is a 2048x1216 pixel 24-bit color image. |
6 | NPAC has obtained a copy of the Visible Human data set 14GB and license to use it. |
7 | Female VH not downloaded : 5,000 cross sections (40 GB). Good for 3D reconstruction (cubic voxels, 0.33 mm size) |