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Video on Demand SubSystem -- TANGO Interactive Training

Given by Bart Winnowicz at NPAC Training on Dec 11 and 12 1997. Foils prepared Jan 8 1998

Windows 95/NT
Microsoft ActiveMovie 1.0 run-time installed
Netscape browser
This version of software is NOT Tango application

Table of Contents for Video on Demand SubSystem -- TANGO Interactive Training

There are two types of foils -- html and image which are each available in basic and JavaScript enabled "focused" style
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient

1 NPAC Video Client 1.3
2 Video Client 1.3 Requirements
3 Video Client 1.3 Installation
4 Video Client 1.3 Environment
5 Video Client 1.3 Behavior

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Fri Jan 9 1998