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Java Tutorial - Spring 1997 Part 3:Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit

Given by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox at Peking Tutorial, Web Certificate on Spring-Summer 1997. Foils prepared 18 May 97

In Part 1 and 2 of the Tutorial We Covered:
  • Overview including History and alpha versus production issues
  • Comparison of Java and Javascript
  • Overall Java Philosophy and Features including security etc.
  • Java Programming Language
  • Introduction to Applications,Applets and their Invocation from HTML
  • "Hello World" and Basic Graphics Applets
  • Object Oriented and Class Structure
  • Methods, Constructors etc.
  • Interfaces
  • Exceptions
In This Part of the Java Tutorial We Cover:
Introduction to Threads
Graphics in more detail
  • Animator Class
  • Downloading and Drawing Images
Abstract Windowing Toolkit
  • Keyboard and Mouse Events
  • Components, Actions, Layouts
And in the Remaining Part of the Java Tutorial We Cover:
  • Threads in More Detail
  • Useful Classes such as Object String etc.
  • Networking and I/O
  • Futures and HPCC Implications

Table of Contents for Java Tutorial - Spring 1997 Part 3:Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit

There are two types of foils -- html and image which are each available in basic and JavaScript enabled "focused" style
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where Image Critical
(basic:)(focus style:) Denote Foils where HTML is sufficient
denotes presence of Additional linked information which is greyed out if missing

1 Java Tutorial -
Spring 1997
Part 3: Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit
2 More Detail on Applets and Graphics
3 The java.awt.Graphics Class
4 Graphics is Event-Driven: paint method
5 Changing Graphics: repaint method
6 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- I
7 Some Basic Methods for Applets -- II
8 The java.awt.Font and FontMetrics Classes
9 Centering a string in the applet window.
10 The java.awt.Color Classes
11 A Simple Useful Applet from Sun for Animation
(can be skipped)
12 Sun's Animator.class Applet
13 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --I
14 Details of Using the Sun animator Applet --II
15 Introducing a Single Thread
(See later for real discussion of thread use)
16 Introduction to Threads
17 Example showing the standard thread methods
18 Example showing thread methods, continued
19 Images
and Double Buffering
20 Getting Images Downloaded
21 Drawing Images to the applet window
22 Image Downloading -- imageObserver, MediaTracker
23 An Image Drawing Example
24 Flickering in Applets and its Solution
25 The default Update(Graphics g) Method
26 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I
27 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - II
28 Double Buffering
29 Event Handling
30 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - I
31 Events in the java.awt -- Mouse, Keyboard Interaction - II
32 Using Mouse Events for User Interaction
33 Mouse Events: Initializing the movable objects
34 Draw the objects with double buffering
35 Mouse Move Event
36 The Set of Mouse Dragging Events
37 More Methods in the Movable Point class
38 Keyboard Events
39 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):
Components such as buttons, textfields, etc.
and related Events
40 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - I
41 Structure of the java.awt GUI Components - II
42 Picture of the AWT Component Class and its inheritance
43 Some Simple AWT Components -- label,button
44 AWT Components -- Checkbox
45 AWT Components -- Radio Buttons , CheckboxGroup
46 Actions associated with Components in AWT - I
47 Actions associated with Components in AWT - II
48 A more general way to handle events
49 Some Further AWT Components -- typical subunits of panels
50 AWT Components -- Text Fields & Areas
51 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - I
52 Some Further AWT Components -- Canvas, Window - II
53 Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT):
54 Layout of Components in a Panel
55 Description and Example of BorderLayout
56 Brief Description of Four Other LayoutManager's
57 FlowLayouts in detail
58 Hierarchical use of LayoutManagers
59 AWT - Grid Layout with Two Components
60 AWT - Adding Components to a Layout
61 AWT - Canvas Component
62 AWT - Handling Actions from Components
63 AWT - Panel Component with Buttons

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