Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 18 May 97

Foil 26 Double Buffering to Reduce Flicker - I

From Java Tutorial - Spring 1997 Part 3:Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit Peking Tutorial, Web Certificate -- Spring-Summer 1997. by Nancy J. McCracken,Geoffrey C. Fox

Here you have two "graphics contexts" (frame buffers of the size of the applet), and you construct the next image for an animation "off-line" in the second frame buffer.
This frame buffer is then directly copied to the main applet Graphics object without clearing image as in default update()
In init(), you would create the frame buffer:
  • Image OffscreenImage; // Place to hold Image
  • Graphics offscreenGraphics; /* The second graphics context of offscreenImage */
  • offscreenImage = createImage(width,height);
  • offscreenGraphics = offscreenImage.getGraphics();

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