Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 2 98

Foil 6 Structure of InfoComm Year 3-5 Activities II

From Summary of ARL Review Discussion of Info-Comm Team Activities ARL End of Year 2 Review Aberdeen Sheraton 4 Points -- July 29-30 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

G2) Deployment in Staged Fashion of basic RESEARCH and MANAGEMENT collaboratory with gradual broadening of user community and addition of advanced features. This would be supported by training and evaluation functions.
  • Use Tango for synchronous and a selection of Asynchronous tools including databases and Lotus Notes
G3) Produce an evaluation and associated training to allow use of multimedia (audio/video over foils) enhancements to training material. Phase in use of databases as back-end support
  • RealPlayer, NCSA Webcasting
G4) Deployment of proven Tango education and training capabilities and enhancement with especially addition of integrating backend database support. (NPAC)
G5) Evaluate and deploy authoring techniques for both training and other web pages. (NCSA)

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