Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 24 August 98

Foil 17 Sequential Memory Structure

From Master Foilset for CPS615 Introduction -- Material from Culler and Koelbel Computational Science for Simulations -- Fall Semester 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

1 Data locality implies CPU finds information it needs in cache which stores most recently accessed information
2 This means one reuses a given memory reference in many nearby computations e.g.
3 A1 = B*C
4 A2 = B*D + B*B
5 .... Reuses B
6 Processor
7 Cache
8 L2 Cache
9 L3 Cache
10 Main
11 Memory
12 Disk
13 Increasing Memory
14 Capacity Decreasing
15 Memory Speed (factor of 100 difference between processor
16 and main memory
17 speed)

in Table To:

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