Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 September 98

Foil 32 Comments on Parallel Input/Output - II

From MPI Message Passing Interface Computational Science for Simulations -- Fall Semester 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

1 Today, memory costs have declined and ALL mainstream MIMD distributed memory machines whether clusters of workstations/PC's or integrated systems such as T3D/ Paragon/ SP-2 have enough memory on each node to run UNIX or Windows NT
2 Thus printf today means typically that the node on which it runs will stick it out on "standard output" file for that node
  • However this is implementation dependent
3 If on other hand you want a stream of output with information in order
  • Starting with that from node 0, then node 1, then node 2 etc.
  • This was default on old Caltech machines but
4 Then in general you need to communicate information from nodes 1 to N-1 to node 0 and let node 0 sort it and output in required order
5 MPI-IO standard links I/O to MPI in a standard fashion

in Table To:

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