Given by Chao Wei Ou at CPS616 Web Technologies on Spring 98. Foils prepared May 3 1998
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Summary of Material
In this talk are presented two high-level technologies for making web pages that are linked to a relational database. |
We give a brief overview of the new JavaBlend. This system allows you to program the web user interface in Java, where Java data objects are directly linked to the database. These can be used for database access without explicitly using JDBC or SQL. |
We describe in more detail the older ColdFusion. This is a server-side markup language, which allows you to program SQL database queries in a tag language. This tag language is an extension of HTML and also makes HTML pages to show the results of database operations. Several examples are given in this talk, illustrating the tags used for database operations.
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Geoffrey Fox, Nancy McCracken, and Chao-Wei Ou |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
at |
Syracuse University |
May 6, 1998 |
Tutorial: |
Foils: |
In this talk are presented two high-level technologies for making web pages that are linked to a relational database. |
We give a brief overview of the new JavaBlend. This system allows you to program the web user interface in Java, where Java data objects are directly linked to the database. These can be used for database access without explicitly using JDBC or SQL. |
We describe in more detail the older ColdFusion. This is a server-side markup language, which allows you to program SQL database queries in a tag language. This tag language is an extension of HTML and also makes HTML pages to show the results of database operations. Several examples are given in this talk, illustrating the tags used for database operations.
Supposed you are planning to publish an audio-tape catalog through your Web site, and you want to list tapes by their themes as well as present an alphabetical index of their titles. If you decide to store your tape catalog as flat HTML-formatted text files, then whenever a new tape is added to your catalog, you have to create a link for that tape on both the theme and the index pages. This link-maintenance task becomes an even more tedious if you further decide to arrange the tapes by their singers, by their release dates, and even by their ranking on Cash Box. However, by organizing the tape catalog in a database and then dynamically linking that database with your Web site, you can reduce the challenge to a simple matter of adding the new tape and its related attributes into the database only once. Granted, this sounds like a great option, but it requires you to venture into the database territory and learn the Web-linked database linking techniques. |
The Web-linked database combination has proven that this wish list can be turned into a practical reality. The database technology not only benefits from the Web's universal appeal, but the regular sites on the Web can also utilize a database back-end to automate their information maintenance and presentation tasks. |
Currently, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of Web-Database products in the world. (e.g., Cold Fusion, HahtSite, NetDynamics, WebObjects, TalentSoft Web+, WebBase, SQLWeb, Java Blend, etc.) This list is not complete but should be enough to show the popularity of Web-Linked Database. Then we will have a brief descriptions about Java Blend and focus on presenting Cold Fusion. |
Java Blend
Single Data Model. Java Blend provides a single data model to access both database information and program data. |
Customizable Mapping. Java Blend allows a model designer to customize the mapping between Java and the database. |
Scalable. Java Blend provides sophisticated caching, a separate query processor, multi-threading, and an advanced transaction concurrency mechanism designed to provide high performance in an enterprise environment. |
Database Independent. Because Java Blend is implemented on top of JDBC, it can be used with any DBMS for which JDBCtm or ODBC compliant drivers have been defined. Java Blend implements ODMG on top of JDBC, bridging these higher-level and lower-level standards. |
Built Around the Java Object Model. Building an entire business application around the Java object model greatly simplifies development efforts. |
Legacy Compatible. Java Blend is designed to work with existing database schemas. Applications developed with Java Blend can co-exist with existing database applications |
Supports Multiple Architectures. Java Blend can be used in a two-tier client-server, but is also designed for use in the middle-tier server of a three-tier architecture with a thin client. |
Conforms to ODMG Standards. Because the Java Blend programmer's interface is specifically designed to conform to the ODMG standard for object/relational mappings and object databases, it is easy to port to various DBMS products. |
What is the Cold Fusion Application Server? |
Cold Fusion Application Server is the component of the Cold Fusion rapid application development system that provides the foundation for integrating browser, server, and database technologies into powerful Web applications. The Application Server offers comprehensive support for deploying scalable Web applications and tightly integrates with Cold Fusion Studio, the visual development environment for Cold Fusion. |
You build Cold Fusion applications by creating pages that combine the server-side Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) with HTML. These pages are deployed with the high-performance Cold Fusion Application Server, which integrates with all the major Web servers and a wide range of other server technologies. |
What are People Building with Cold Fusion? |
Electronic Commerce
Collaborative Computing
Interactive Publishing
Business Systems
Scalable Application Delivery
Complete Platform Integration
Critical Application Services
Open Extensible Architecture
The Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) is a complete fourth generation language (4GL) for scripting Web applications. Based on tags, CFML provides a comprehensive, server-side programming environment with an easy-to-learn syntax that cleanly integrates with HTML. CFML accelerates development by encapsulating complex processes like connecting to databases or email servers with straightforward tags. CFML provides the ultimate environment for leveraging the features of the Cold Fusion Application Server to create sophisticated Web applications. |
Powerful Scripting Environment
Extensive Database Support
Dynamic Java Forms
Windows 95 and NT
Microsoft ODBC Database Support |
Plain text files |
1. When a user requests a page in a Cold Fusion application by submitting a form or clicking a hyperlink, the user's Web browser sends an HTTP request to the Web server via the Internet or Intranet. |
2. The Web server passes the data submitted by the client and the requested page to the Cold Fusion Application Server either through a server API or CGI. Cold Fusion pages are automatically compiled and cached in memory, so processing is very fast and scaleable even under high loads. |
3. Cold Fusion reads the data from the client and processes the CFML used in the page. Based on the CFML, the Cold Fusion Application Server executes the application logic and interacts with a wide range of server technologies. |
4. Cold Fusion dynamically generates an HTML page and returns it to the Web server. |
5. The Web server returns the page to the user's Web browser. |
Employees Table |
Employee_ID FirstName LastName EmailName Phone Department |
1 Carolynn Peterson CPETERSON (612)832-7654 Sales |
2 Dave Heartsdale FHEARTSDALE (612)832-7201 Accounting |
3 Linda Stewart LSTEWART (612)832-7478 Aministration |
4 Aaron Smith ASMITH (612)832-7201 Accounting |
5 Peter Barken PBARKEN (612)832-7023 Engineering |
6 Linda Jennings LJENNINGS (612)832-7026 Engineering |
7 Peter Jacobson PJACOBSON (612)832-7652 Sales |
8 Richard Frankin RFRANKLIN (612)832-7672 Sales |
: |
: |
Syntax |
<CFQUERY NAME="query_name" |
DATASOURCE="ds_name" |
USERNAME="username" |
PASSWORD="password" |
MAXROWS="number" |
TIMEOUT="milliseconds" |
DEBUG="yes/no"> |
SQL statements |
Example: (EmployeeSearch.cfm) |
"CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT * FROM Employees |
CFML query tag (in a .cfm file on the server): |
Syntax |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="queryname" MAXROWS=n > |
Literal text, HTML tags, and dynamic field references (e.g. #FullName#) |
Example: (EmployeeSearch.cfm) |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="EmployeeList"> |
<HR> |
#FirstName# #LastName# (Phone: #Phone#) |
<BR> |
CFML Output tag, showing syntax to refer to columns of the |
table: |
<HTML> |
<HEAD> |
<TITLE>Employee Search</TITLE> |
</HEAD> |
<FORM ACTION="employeesearch.cfm" METHOD="Post"> |
Select all employees: |
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> |
</FORM> |
</HTML> |
This HTML page gives the URL of a Cold Fusion page to process its form: |
<!--- Query to select customers ---> |
<CFQUERY NAME="EmployeeList" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT * FROM Employees |
<HTML> |
<HEAD> <TITLE>Employee List</TITLE></HEAD> |
<H2>Employee List</H2> |
<!--- #FirstName#, #LastName#, #Phone# - Employees column names ---> |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="EmployeeList"> |
<HR> #FirstName# #LastName# (Phone: #Phone#) <BR> |
</HTML> |
<HTML> |
<HEAD><TITLE>Employee Search Results</TITLE></HEAD> |
<BODY> |
<H2>Organization Search Results</h2> |
<P>The Search for in the Accounting returned |
these results:</P> |
<HR>Dave Heartsdale (Phone: (612) 832-7201) <BR> |
<HR>Aaron Smith (Phone: (612) 832-7201) <BR> |
<HR>Dominique Branden (Phone: (612) 832-7049) <BR> |
</BODY> |
</HTML> |
#LastName# (#Form.LastName#) and #Department# (#Form.Department#) in CFQUERY are inputs from Form in the HTML page. |
#Form.LastName# and #Form.Department# in CFOUTPUT are inputs from Form in the HTML page. The default name for the Form is "Form". Inputs from different forms can be obtained by combining form name and input name as FormName.InputName. |
#FitstName#, #LastName#, and #Phone# in CFOUTPUT are columns in table Employees. |
SQL statement with dynamic parameters: |
SELECT * FROM Employees |
WHERE LastName = '#Form.LastName#' |
If the user entered "Rucker" for LastName, the SQL statement sent to the database would be: |
SELECT * FROM Employees |
WHERE LastName = 'Rucker' |
Syntax for cfm file to refer to parameters from the form: |
<HTML> |
<HEAD><TITLE>Employee Search</TITLE></HEAD> |
<FORM ACTION="employeesearch.cfm" METHOD="Post"> |
Last Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName"> |
Department: |
<SELECT NAME="Department"> |
<OPTION>Accounting |
<OPTION>Administration |
<OPTION>Engineering |
<OPTION>Sales |
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Search"> |
</FORM> |
</HTML> |
<CFQUERY NAME="EmployeeList" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE LastName LIKE '%#LastName#%' |
AND Department = '#Department#' |
<HTML> |
<HEAD><TITLE>Employee Search Results</TITLE></HEAD> |
<H2>Organization Search Results</h2> |
<P>The Search for #Form.LastName# in the #Form.Department# returned these results:</P> |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="EmployeeList"> |
<HR>#FirstName# #LastName# (Phone: #Phone#) <BR> |
</HTML> |
CFTABLE tag: |
<CFTABLE QUERY="EmployeeList" MAXROWS=10 > |
<CFCOL HEADER="First Name" WIDTH=25 |
TEXT="<I>#FirstName#</I>"> |
<CFCOL HEADER="Last Name" WIDTH=15 TEXT="#LastName#"> |
TEXT="#Phone#"> |
This example uses a function to determine the application page path. The report displays only those records that match ZIP code and last name criteria entered into an HMTL form: |
<CFREPORT REPORT="#GetDirectoryFromPath |
(Application PagePath)#myreport.rpt" |
{ZipCode} = "#Form.ZipCode#" AND |
{LastName} like "#Form.LastName#*" |
<CFQUERY NAME="Courses" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT * FROM CourseList |
WHERE Department_ID = '#Form.Department#' |
ORDER BY CourseLevel |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="Courses" GROUP="CourseLevel"> |
<H4>#CourseLevel#</H4> |
<UL> |
<LI> #CourseNumber# - #CourseName# |
</UL> |
Basic |
<UL> |
<LI> 100 - Physiology |
</UL> |
Intermediate |
<UL> |
<LI - Neurobiology |
<LI - Plant Biology |
</UL> |
Advanced |
<UL> |
<LI - Neurobiology |
<LI - Microbiology |
</UL> |
RecordCount - The total number of records returned by the query. |
CurrentRow - The current row of the query being processed by CFOUTPUT. |
ColumnList - Returns a comma-delimited list of the query columns. |
The search returned information on #CustomerList.RecordCount# customers.<BR> |
Columns queried were #CustomerList.ColumnList#. |
(Note that this assumes the previous query is to be used.) |
This example shows returning records 10-20 from the recordset created by the EmployeeList query: |
<CFOUTPUT QUERY="EmployeeList" STARTROW="10" MAXROWS="20"> |
#FirstName# #LastName# #Phone# <BR> |
The STARTROW and MAXROWS attributes can be used to create an application that displays records in limited sets and then prompts the user to display the next group of records |
Inserting data into a database is usually done with two application pages:
You can create an insert form with CFFORM tags or with standard HTML form tags. When the form is submitted, form variables are passed to a Cold Fusion page that performs an insert operation (and whatever else is called for) on the specified data source. The insert page can contain either a CFINSERT tag or a CFQUERY tag with a SQL insert statement. The insert page should also contain a message for the end user. |
The CFFORM tag allows you to create dynamic forms in CFML and gives you access to a wide range of form controls, such as Java applet-based tree, slider, and grid controls, as well as the standard HTML control types like checkboxes, radiobuttons, text input boxes, and edit boxes. |
Using CFFORM to build a table does not preclude the use of HTML form tags in your form. You can use any HTML form tag in a CFFORM-based form. In fact, you could replace your HTML FORM tags with Cold Fusion CFFORM tags and your forms would work fine. Cold Fusion generates HTML forms dynamically from CFFORM tags and passes through to the browser any HTML code it finds in the form. |
<FORM ACTION="insdata.cfm" METHOD="Post"> |
<!-- Data entry fields --> |
<PRE> |
First Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="FirstName"> |
Last Name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="LastName"> |
Phone: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Phone"> |
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Enter Information"> |
</PRE> |
</FORM> |
The CFINSERT tag is the easiest way to handle simple inserts from either a CFFORM or an HTML form. |
The ODBC data source is named "Employees DB" and the table you want to insert data into is named "Employees." Given this information, the CFINSERT tag would be included in your page as follows: |
Example: (insdata.cfm) |
<CFINSERT DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples" TABLENAME="Employees"> |
Basic SQL insert statement is: |
INSERT INTO tablename (columnnames) VALUES (values) |
The VALUES keyword specifies the values for the columns in the new row. You have to type the values you want to add in the same order as the columns in the columnnames section of the statement. |
To insert the form data from the example above with a CFQUERY use this syntax: |
<CFQUERY NAME="AddEmp" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
INSERT INTO Employees (FirstName, LastName, Phone) |
VALUES ('#Form.FirstName#', '#Form.LastName#', |
'#Form.Phone#') |
Updating data in a database is usually done with two pages:
The update form is created with CFFORM tags or HTML form tags. The update form calls an update page which can contain either a CFUPDATE tag or a CFQUERY tag with a SQL update statement. The update page should also contain a message for the end user that reports on the update completion. |
An update form is similar to an insert form with two key differences. An update form contains a reference to the primary key of the record that is being updated (Employee_ID). |
<HTML> |
<HEAD><TITLE>Example Update</TITLE></HEAD> |
<FORM ACTION="EmployeeUpdate.cfm" METHOD="Post"> |
<INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Employee_ID" VALUE=""> |
FirstName: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="FirstName" VALUE=""> |
LastName: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="LastName" VALUE=""> |
Phone: <INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Phone" VALUE=""><BR> |
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Update Information"> |
</FORM> |
</HTML> |
EmployeeUpdate.cfm: |
<CFUPDATE DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples" TABLENAME="Employees"> |
<HTML> |
<H2>Thank You!</H2> |
<HR><P>Thank you for updating your data in our database - please visit our site often!</P> <HR> |
</HTML> |
SQL update statement is: |
UPDATE tablename SET columnname = value WHERE condition |
To update the record with the front end form from the example above using a CFQUERY use this syntax: |
<CFQUERY NAME="UpdateEmployee" |
DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
UPDATE Employees |
SET Firstname='#Form.Firstname#', |
LastName='#Form.LastName#', |
Phone='#Form.Phone#' |
WHERE Employee_ID=#Employee_ID# |
Deleting data in a database can be done with a single delete page. The delete page contains a CFQUERY tag with a SQL delete statement. |
SQL delete statement is: |
DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition |
<!-- Page to delete single employee record --> |
<CFQUERY NAME="DeleteEmployee" |
DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
DELETE FROM Employees |
WHERE Employee_ID = #URL.EmployeeID# |
<HTML> |
<HEAD><TITLE>Delete Employee Record</TITLE></HEAD> |
<H3>The employee record has been deleted.</H3> |
</HTML> |
Cold Fusion provides a server-side mechanism for requiring users to enter data in fields, using one of a set of special "suffixes". |
<INPUT type="hidden" NAME="FirstName_required"> |
Data validation is also implemented by adding hidden fields to forms |
The hidden field suffixes includes _integer, _float, _range, _date, and _eurodate. |
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Rooms_integer" VALUE="You must enter a number for the Rooms field."> |
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Guests_range" VALUE="MIN=1 MAX=12"> |
Cold Fusion offers several different types of data input validation. |
Client-side - In a CFFORM, you can specify a JavaScript program in the ONVALIDATE attribute of tags like CFINPUT, CFGRID, CFSLIDER, CFTEXTINPUT, and CFTREE to perform input validation. |
Server-side - In a CFFORM, you can enable validation in tags that support input validation (like CFINPUT and CFTEXTINPUT) using the VALIDATE attribute. |
You can also use hidden fields in HTML forms to require user entries and to validate several common data types. |
A dynamic form is an HTML form generated by a cfm file that uses elements created with database query results and CFML. |
This example shows a select list of employees' names that is created with a query against the employees table. |
<CFQUERY NAME="EmpName" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT Employee_ID, LastName, FirstName |
FROM Employees |
<FORM ACTION="example.cfm" METHOD="post"> |
<SELECT NAME="Employee_ID"> |
<OPTION VALUE="#Employee_ID#">#LastName#, #FirstName# |
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit"> |
</FORM> |
In the HTML form, select one or more companies to get information on: |
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SelectedOrgs" VALUE=5> |
Mobil Corporation<BR> |
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SelectedOrgs" VALUE=19> |
Shapeware, Inc.<BR> |
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SelectedOrgs" VALUE=13> |
BankBoston<BR> |
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="SelectedOrgs_required" |
VALUE="You must select at least one organization."> |
The cmf program that processes the form includes: |
SELECT * FROM Organizations |
WHERE Organization_ID IN ( #SelectedOrgs# ) |
If the users selects Shapeware and BankBoston, the statement sent to the database would be: |
SELECT * FROM Organizations |
WHERE Organization_ID IN ( 19, 13 ) |
Single quotes must be added to the value attributes of the checkboxes. |
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SelectedOrgs" VALUE="'Mobil Corp.'">Mobil Corporation<BR> |
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SelectedOrgs" VALUE="'Bank of Boston'"> BankBoston<BR> |
Cfm includes: |
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE OrganizationName IN |
(#PreserveSingleQuotes(SelectedOrgs)#) |
The statement sent to the database would be: |
SELECT * FROM Organizations WHERE OrganizationName IN |
('Mobil Corp.', 'BankBoston') |
Dynamic SQL allows you to dynamically determine which parts of a SQL statement are sent to the database. So if a user leaves a search field empty, for example, you could simply omit the part of the WHERE clause that refers to that field. Or, if a user does not specify a sort order, the entire ORDER BY clause could be omitted. |
Cold Fusion uses CFIF/CFELSEIF/CFELSE tags to control how the SQL statement is constructed.
For example, in the following code, a series of CFIF tags determine which SQL statements to append to the base SQL SELECT statement: |
<CFQUERY NAME="EmpList" DATASOURCE="CF 3.0 Examples"> |
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE 0=0 |
<CFIF #LastName# is not ""> |
AND LastName = '#LastName#' |
</CFIF> |
<CFIF #FirstName# is not ""> |
AND FirstName LIKE '%#FirstName#%' |
</CFIF> |
Tip: The WHERE 0=0 clause has no impact on the query submitted to the database. But if none of the conditions is true, it ensures that the WHERE clause does not result in a SQL syntax error. |
CFTRANSACTION tag is treated as a transactional unit. This means that changes made to the database are not committed until all queries in the transaction block execute successfully. If an error occurs in one of the queries, all changes made by previous queries within the transaction block are rolled back. |
UPDATE Accounts |
SET Balance=Balance - #Amount# |
WHERE Account_ID=#AccountFrom# |
UPDATE Accounts |
SET Balance=Balance + #Amount# |
WHERE Account_ID=#AccountTo# |
Integrated support for Internet Technologies
Dynamic Java Forms
Complete Application Framework |
Web Server Security Integration |
Client State Management - CFCookie |
Application Framework - CFApplication, CFParam |
Customize Error Messages - CFError |
Extensive Debugging Information |
Open Extensible Architecture |
Custom Tags - CFModule, Encrypting Custom Tags |
ActiveX Server Components (COM) - CFObject |
Open API - CFXs |
Cold Fusion provides
For more information:
For NPAC CPS students: |