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Designing and Building Parallel Programs I: Introduction

Given by Ian Foster, Gina Goff, Ehtesham Hayder, Chuck Koelbel at DoD Modernization Tutorial on 1995-1998. Foils prepared August 29 98

This is First in Four Part Tutorial built loosely around Ian Foster's Book
This Introduction covers
  • Parallel Computers and Algorithms
  • Understanding Performance
  • Parallel Programming Tools
Later talks cover
  • 2:OpenMP Shared Memory Programming
  • 3:MPI Message Passing
  • 4:The PETSc Library

Table of Contents for Designing and Building Parallel Programs I: Introduction

001 Designing and Building Parallel Programs
002 Outline
003 Outline
004 Why Parallel Computing?
005 The Multicomputer: an Idealized Parallel Computer
006 Multicomputer Architecture
007 Multicomputer Cost Model
008 How do Real Parallel Computers Fit the Model?
009 Distributed Memory MIMD Multiprocessor
010 Shared Memory MIMD Multiprocessor
011 Distributed Shared Memory (DSM)
012 Workstation Clusters
013 A Simple Parallel Programming Model
014 Properties
015 Parallel Algorithm Design
016 A Design Methodology
017 Partitioning
018 Communication
019 Agglomeration
020 Mapping
021 Example: Atmosphere Model
022 Atmosphere Model:  Numerical Methods
023 Atmosphere Model: Partition
024 Atmosphere Model: Communication
025 Atmosphere Model: Agglomeration
026 Atmosphere Model: Mapping
027 Modeling Performance
028 Bandwidth and Latency
029 Measured Costs
030 Typical Communication Costs
031 Example: Finite Difference
032 Time for Finite Difference
033 Using Performance Models
034 Design Alternatives:  Finite Difference
035 Design Alternatives (2)
036 Finding Model Discrepancies
037 Impact of Network Topology
038 Competition for Bandwidth
039 Bandwidth-Constrained Model Versus. Observations
040 Tool Survey
041 High Performance Fortran (HPF)
042 HPF Example
043 HPF Analysis
044 Message Passing Interface (MPI)
045 MPI Example
046 MPI Analysis
047 PCF
048 PCF and OpenMP
049 PCF Example (SGI Variant)
050 OpenMP Example
051 PCF/OpenMP Analysis
052 Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computations (PETSc)
053 PETSc Example
054 PETSc Analysis

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