Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 42 What are General Capabilities in Gateway Tier?

From Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web EuroPar Invited Presentation -- September 4 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Seamless Interface -- an Enterprise Javabean which processes input from user's Java Applet interface and maps user generic commands to those on specific machine
  • Uses agents to determine optimal execution platform
  • Accounting, Security, Compiling Interface, Seamless Tools Interface, global data and file system interface
2 Resource management of heterogeneous MPP backend (linked to seamless interface)
3 Database and Object Brokers; Network servers like Netsolve
4 Collaboration Servers including Habanero, Tango, Lotus Notes ...
5 Visualization Servers
6 "Business Logic" to map user data view (e.g. objects) to persistent store (e.g. Oracle database) and simulation engine (MPP) preferred format

in Table To:

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