Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 64 Data Parallel HPJava: Motivation

From Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web EuroPar Invited Presentation -- September 4 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Data parallelism important in High Performance scientific computing.
2 Java must use same ideas as HPF HPC++ but details of language and experience can suggest a different implementation
3 High level HPF programming model attractive, but implementations problematic and base language is Fortran!
4 HPspmd model: Distributed array syntax, plus high-level class library bindings for communication and arithmetic on arrays.
  • Can be applied to Fortran C++ Java
  • Explicitly MIMD control flow.
  • Ease of HPF Arrays; power of MPI; HPJava uses best language ....

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