Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 18 How do you use Tango I?

From Introduction to Tango and its Role in Distance Education and Collaborative Computing EuroPar Java Grande Workshop -- September 2-3 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Tango provides for any developer:
  • Session control among users
  • Access to broad range of general collaborative tools
  • API to JavaScript (Web Pages), Java Applet or Application, C and through C to any client side program (LISP, VRML)
2 If you have a set of Web pages defined by their URL's -- then use today the Shared Browser and later on can store in WebWisdomNT database for a more powerful model
3 If you have some enhanced Web Pages using Cookies and Forms (and wish say, to share form input), then we need to use shared JavaScript API -- we can provide this as general capability
4 If you wish to share server side results as in Lotus Notes (or CGI Scripts), then exploit web export of these servers -- XML very powerful here -- with a variant of shared browser

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