Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 19 How do I use Tango II?

From Introduction to Tango and its Role in Distance Education and Collaborative Computing EuroPar Java Grande Workshop -- September 2-3 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

If you have a client side program, then you need to know an API to it which allows one to get and set all the properties (or events which are change of properties)
Most elegant interface is a TangoBean which implements shared Javabeans
  • A Javabean is a Java applet/application which has well defined visual and programmatic interface to its properties -- "design rules"
In any case, you choose events to be shared; meaning of master/slave relationship (if any) and consequence of sharing on disparate machines
  • e.g. in shared physics simulation, one could share positions of particles or just start/stop commands
  • Then slower machines simulate less .....

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