Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 1998

Foil 21 Asynchronous vs. Synchronous

From Introduction to Tango and its Role in Distance Education and Collaborative Computing EuroPar Java Grande Workshop -- September 2-3 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

As primary Web function is asynchronous information publishing, Web-based collaboratories inherently link two models
  • Both modes focus on the basic concept of a "shared object"
  • Both modes can share presentation tools
  • Synchronous mode may create or persistently enhance/modify shared objects
Web database linkage technology (based on JDBC/ Enterprise JavaBeans) promotes complex asynchronous collaboration by exposing rich data models of industrial-strength relational and OO DBMS's
Need Both! Tango can be linked to Oracle, Lotus Notes and similar database systems -- XML is a powerful interface for such linkage
  • Tango offers "guided tour" sampling a large asynchronous web site, CDROM, database

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