Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 15 98

Foil 70 HLA/RTI versus HPF/MPI

From Java Grande: Role of Java in Large Scale Computations NPACI Summer Institute on Parallel Computing -- August 21 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We can support any given paradigm at either high functionality (web server) or high performance (backend) level
HPCC Messaging could be a Java/RMI middle tier MPI or Nexus/Optimized Machine specific MPI at backend
JWORB supports CORBA based RTI already and we can bridge to high performance event driven simulation systems like SPEEDES at the high performance backend layer
However most problems can be thought of a set of coarse grain entities which are internally data parallel but the coarse grain structure is "functional" parallelism
So HLA/RTI is especially natural as tier 2 management level of these coarse entities
Entities can be time synchronized simulations and use MPI(HPF?) at either middle or back end tier or in fact as in DMSO simulations a federate running a custom discrete event simulation

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